The Future is US

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Brown vs Board of Education 70th Anniversary Celebration May 18, 2024

Celebrate the monumental moment marking the 70th Anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision at The Future is US Presents: The Brown v. Board of Education 70th Anniversary Celebration! This landmark ruling outlawed segregation in public schools, reshaping education equality and more. This ruling had a direct and far-reaching impact on equality in education and public life, and an intense impact in Galveston. And, because the Future is US was created to promote equality and access in Galveston’s education system, we are particularly excited about this anniversary.

As advocates for equity in Galveston’s education system, The Future is Us invites you to an evening of reflection, celebration, and community on Saturday, May 18th, from 6-9pm at the Old Central Cultural Center. At this inaugural celebration, we will be honoring education justice warriors from Galveston and beyond: Sue Johnson, the Skull-Fedford Family, Galveston’s NAACP, and Tammie Campbell of Houston, Texas.

Enjoy captivating entertainment, honor local champions, savor delicious food from Soul2Soul, and engage in an evening of reverence. This event is free and open to the public, offering a unique opportunity to celebrate history, inspire change, and hope for the future.

RSVP for your free spot and learn more here: 

Let’s come together to honor the past, celebrate progress, and shape a future of equal education for all! 

Community Assessment Data

Review our current Community Assessment Data here to learn more about how we are using the THRIVE (Tool for Health Resilience in Vulnerable Populations) to understand how conditions in our community are contributing to racial inequity in school discipline.

Want to help? Give us your feedback after reviewing data on any of the factors. Some topics may interest you more than others, so feel encouraged to look for the topics that most interest you. You can use this link to provide feedback on our THRIVE Review Form.

Assessment Data Sources Referenced in Community Assessment


Our mission

The Future is US exists to fight for Galveston youth through community voice so future generations can meet their full potential.

Black students in Galveston ISD are suspended three to six times more often than their peers.

We are working to identify community conditions and social determinants of health to prevent disproportionate suspension, expulsion, District Alternative Education Placement (DAEP) referral, and juvenile justice incarceration for youth of color in Galveston.

In 2019 the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health awarded the ACCEs to Assets Collaborative with the Communities of Care grant. This five-year grant funds The Future is Us. Our first year focuses on creating a comprehensive community assessment to identify protective factors, risk factors, assets, needs, and opportunities for growth in Galveston.

ACEs to Assets Collaborative member Family Service Center of Galveston County coordinates this initiative as the Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) in partnership with other collaborative members.

This project is led and facilitated by a Youth Advisory Council, Parent Advisory Council, Assessment Team, Evaluation Team, Community Engagement Team, and Policy Task Force with ongoing technical assistance and support from the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health and the Prevention Institute.

You Are the Community Voice

Help us achieve racial equity in Galveston education by participating in our anonymous Community Questionnaire. Want to stay involved? You can leave contact information here or email


About the Communities of Care Grant

Project Summary:

“Like many communities, Galveston struggles with ensuring equity for our children and youth of color and their families. Despite the best efforts of community champions, community conditions that impact social determinants of health as well as institutionalized racism, policies, and procedures negatively impact our children and youth of color. The Health People 2020 “place based” organizing framework for the Social Determinants of Health will be used to support our assumption that Galveston ISD’s higher rates of disproportionate exclusionary discipline among Black children as compared to their White and Hispanic peers is a symptom of larger problems in our community. Using SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework, we propose to develop a plan to address the root causes so that Galveston’s children and youth of color and their families thrive. Galveston’s community organizations are more connected than in past years, which positions us to work together to engage historically excluded groups and develop an implementation plan to address the community conditions, policies, and procedures that perpetuate inequity for children and youth of color and their families. By engaging all sectors of our community, conditions that lead to inequity can be addressed through community, school, family, and individual change, creating a Galveston Community that embraces diversity and achieves equity in resilience, mental health, and well-being of children and youth of color.”